Hello, I'm Dorel Lacatus, LMT, President, Entrepreneur


I decided to build the Massage Video Tutorial app with over 1000's videos for massage therapists across the world as a way to extend, reach and impact beyond my physical classrooms. I saw the potential of technology to bridge the gap between students who couldn't attend my classes in person and those who needed additional resources to enhance their learning. My passion for teaching and commitment to providing high-quality education led me to develop this app, which features comprehensive and practical tutorials on various massage techniques. My goal is to provide a platform for massage therapists worldwide to access my knowledge and expertise, regardless of their location, and help raise the standard of massage therapy education globally.


Welcome to the massage video tutorials library, a comprehensive collection of instructional videos designed to help massage therapists enhance their skills and knowledge. Whether you are a student just starting in the field or an experienced therapist looking to expand your repertoire of techniques, our library has something for everyone.
Our videos cover a wide range of massage techniques, from the most basic to the most advanced, and are presented by experienced and highly qualified massage therapists. Each video provides detailed instruction and practical tips on how to perform each technique, as well as guidance on how to adapt them to different clients and situations.


We believe that education is key to providing the best possible care to clients, and our mission is to provide high-quality education to massage therapists worldwide. That's why we have dedicated ourselves to creating a video tutorial library that is accessible, comprehensive, and easy to use.


Whether you are looking to improve your technique, expand your knowledge, or simply stay up-to-date with the latest trends and practices in the industry, our video tutorial library is the perfect resource for you. Join us today and take the first step towards enhancing your skills and providing the best possible care to your clients.



The Benefits of Having this Library 


  • Massage video tutorial libraries are comprehensive collections of instructional videos designed to help massage therapists improve their craft.
  • These videos cover a wide range of massage techniques and are presented by experienced and highly qualified massage therapists.
  • Video tutorials provide detailed instruction on how to perform each technique, including practical tips and advice on how to adapt them to different clients and situations.
  • They are accessible and can be accessed from anywhere, making it easier for busy therapists to learn at their own pace.
  • Video tutorials are a great resource for staying up-to-date with the latest trends and practices in the industry.
  • Overall, massage video tutorial libraries are an essential resource for massage therapists looking to enhance their skills and knowledge and provide the best possible care to their clients.
  • Video tutorial libraries are a cost-effective way to learn new techniques and improve your skills, as they often offer a lower cost than in-person training.
  • They provide a visual representation of the techniques, making it easier for learners to understand the movements and pressure needed for each technique.
  • Many video tutorial libraries offer a variety of levels, from beginner to advanced, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and challenge themselves as they improve.
  • Video tutorials can be used as a reference tool for therapists, allowing them to revisit techniques as needed and refresh their memory on specific movements or pressure points.
  • Video tutorials can be a valuable resource for therapists who work in areas with limited access to in-person training, allowing them to learn new techniques and improve their skills without having to travel long distances.
  • The convenience of video tutorials also means that therapists can fit learning into their schedule more easily, allowing them to continue working and earning a living while also improving their skills and knowledge.
  • Some massage video tutorial libraries also offer interactive features, such as forums or Q&A sessions with instructors, allowing learners to connect with others in the field and get answers to their questions.

Medical Massage

This App will offer 83+ videos at your fingertips to search instantly for any injury or condition on the Head, Neck, Arm,  Shoulder, Thoracic, Hip, Leg, and Foot and apply the right Massage for every condition and injury.

Orthopedic Assessments

This App is a perfect tool to assess your client before, during, and after treatment. Inside you'll find 220 assessment videos. Also, visual results will help your client to make a decision to come back.

Massage Modalities

This App covers 23 Massage Modalities with over 87 videos and growing. Inside they are very specific techniques you can apply for every condition or injury like Acupressure, British Sport Therapy, MFR, LDM etc...
See all

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